secybr | penetration testing, red teaming and hack tricks.

Dumping LSASS Without Mimikatz

Mimikatz is a tool for dumping credentials from memory in Windows. It is a great tool for lateral and vertical privilege escalation in Windows Active Directory environments. Due to its popularity, ...

Collecting Target Email Addresses

app.snov.io Collecting email address from company name Free & Premium Features. Creating Mail Address List From Name and Surname metricsparrow.com Creating email address from Name & Surna...

Evasion Tactics For Scanning Targets (Active Scan)

IDS / IPS Firewall Detection Techniques Sending Bad Checksums TCP ACK Scan (-sA) Sending Bad Checksums nmap --badsum <target IP> (–badsum is used to send the packets with bad or bogu...

Security Devices and Software types to Detect Scans

Security Devices and Software types to Detect Scans are as follows: IDS (Intrusion Detection System) IPS (Intrusion Prevention System) Firewall WAF (Web Application Firewall) SOC (Cyber...

Shodan.io Tutorials for Best Practices

What is Shodan? Shodan (Sentient-Hyper-Optimized-Data-Access-Network) is a search engine. Shodan is a search engine that enables many computer-based systems to be found in the light of various f...

Recon-ng Tutorials for Enumeration Targets

Recon-ng Basics Firstly we need to create a workspaces related to the target organization. It will gather our research and findings under these workspaces. workspaces list workspaces create examp...

Asset Discovery for Target

Finding Netblock Addres From Company Name You can find NetblockTool on Github. #NetblockTool #Simple run. Get results from Google dorking and ARIN database: python3 NetblockTool.py Company #Inclu...

Subdomain Enumeration Methods

One of the first things to do in the discovery phase is to collect as many systems and IP addresses as possible without touching them. First of all, we need to find domains and subdomains. In this ...

NetBIOS Pentesting Best Practices

NetBIOS NetBIOS usually uses ports 137,138,139 NetBios Name Service Name service for name registration and resolution (ports: 137/udp and 137/tcp). Datagram distribution service for con...

IMAP Pentesting Best Practices

IMAP IMAP usually uses ports 143, 993 What is IMAP? Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP) is then used by the recipient’s email client to fetch your message from the email server and put i...

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